Precedent Setter Awards 2011: Daniel Lublin
June 2, 2011Whitten&Lublin LLP co-founder and nationally syndicated workplace law columnist Daniel Lublin is a 2011 Precedent Setter Awards winner
Whitten&Lublin LLP co-founder and nationally syndicated workplace law columnist Daniel Lublin is a 2011 Precedent Setter Awards winner
Leading mental health lawyer and law and psychiatry adjunct professor Mercedes Perez of Swadron Associates is a 2011 Precedent Setter Awards winner
Renée Maria Tremblay, legal officer to Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, is a 2011 Precedent Setter Awards winner
Stockwoods partner and Osgoode Hall Law School adjunct professor Brendan Van Niejenhuis is a 2011 Precedent Setter Awards winner
Torys LLP Corporate Law partner and Canadian Merit Scholarship Foundation board director Cornell Wright is a 2011 Precedent Setter Awards winner
FMC honoured as one of Canada's Best Diversity Employers 2011
Bennett Jones LLP congratulates Jeff Leon, this year's winner of the Advocates' Society Catzman Award for Civility and Professionalism.