Wildeboer Dellelce welcomes new associate, Ragu Anantharajah
January 30, 2017Wildeboer Dellelce welcomes new associate, Ragu Anantharajah.
Wildeboer Dellelce welcomes new associate, Ragu Anantharajah.
Thornton Grout Finnigan is pleased to announce that as of January 1, 2017, Rebecca Kennedy has become a partner of the firm.
Affleck Greene McMurtry LLP is honoured to welcome David N. Vaillancourt as Partner in the firm.
Smart & Biggar is pleased to announce that Timothy Stevenson has become a partner of the firm.
Smart & Biggar is pleased to announce that Dr. Mark Pidkowich has become a partner of the firm.
Smart & Biggar is pleased to announce that John Sparks has joined the firm’s Vancouver office as an associate.
Lerners LLP is pleased to announce that Trevor Fisher has been made partner.
Lerners is pleased to announce that Chris Dawson has become a partner of the firm.
Stockwoods is pleased to announce that Gerald Chan has become a partner of the firm.
Stockwoods is pleased to announce that Nader Hasan has become a partner of the firm.
Lerners is pleased to announce that Sarah Conlin has become a partner of the firm.
Lerners LLP is pleased to announce that Rebecca Case has become a partner of the firm.