Associate announcement

Amelia Briggs-Morris joins Robins Appleby’s Real Estate Group

November 22, 2021

Robins Appleby Welcomes Amelia Briggs-Morris

Amelia is an associate in our Real Estate group. Before becoming an associate, Amelia worked both as a summer student and an articling student at Robins Appleby. Amelia’s practice includes both commercial real estate and affordable housing.

To learn more about Amelia Briggs-Morris, visit our website 

Markwell Clarizio LLP

Markwell Clarizio LLP is a boutique litigation firm with extensive experience in intellectual property and regulatory matters. The firm represents clients in patent infringement and impeachment actions, trademark infringement and opposition proceedings, copyright infringement actions, Injunction motions, appeals, interventions, and cases under the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations. The firm also helps clients navigate the complex regulatory system governing the approval and sale of health products in Canada, including data protection, patent linkage, patent term restoration, pricing, formulary interchangeability, product listing agreements and advertising. Its counsel attend meetings with regulators and appear as litigation counsel at hearings before the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) and judicial review applications. The founding partners have appeared as counsel in many precedent-setting cases before the Supreme Court of Canada, the Federal Court of Appeal, the Federal Court and the PMPRB.

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Amelia Briggs-Morris

Markwell Clarizio LLP

Area Of Practice

Real Estate