Associate announcement

Smart & Biggar welcomes Karl A. Qin as Associate in Toronto

September 20, 2018

With a practice focussed on patent protection, Karl A. Qin regularly conducts patentability searches, drafts and prosecutes patents and provides clients with patentability opinions for proposed patent applications.

Prior to his legal studies, Karl interned with the platform power engineering group of AMD, a semiconductor company that develops computer processors and other technologies for business and consumer markets. He also held a position as a research assistant in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. During this time he co-authored a paper titled, “Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia-associated mutation in Cbl promotes resistance to apoptosis via the Lyn-PI3K/AKT pathway.”

While studying law, he volunteered in the litigation and corporate law clinics of Pro Bono Ontario, an organization that develops and manages high quality programs which connect volunteer legal professionals with Ontarians.

Smart & Biggar

Smart & Biggar is widely recognized as Canada’s leading intellectual property firm. We are leaders in intellectual property and have been serving clients for over a century. Smart & Biggar operates as part of the IPH Limited group, under its own brand and independent from other IPH member firms.

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Karl A. Qin

Smart & Biggar

Law School

University of Toronto

Year Of Call


Area Of Practice

Intellectual Property