Firm news

Smart & Biggar welcomes Robert Holthus as Counsel in Calgary

December 18, 2017

Smart & Biggar is pleased to announce that Robert Holthus has joined the firm as Counsel in our Calgary office.

Robert has significant experience in developing and implementing intellectual property strategies for clients. His technical background in chemistry and chemical engineering allows his practice to support a diverse range of technologies in the chemical, oil and gas, and pharmaceutical arts.

Robert holds a B.Sc. (Chemistry, magna cum laude) from Winona State University, a M.S. (Chemical Engineering) from Texas A&M University and a J.D. (summa cum laude) from Capital University Law School. He was called to the Minnesota State Bar in 2001, the Texas State Bar in 2003 and he is a registered Patent and Trademark Agent in the United States. Prior to joining the firm, Robert practiced intellectual property law with several U.S. based firms.

Smart & Biggar

Smart & Biggar is widely recognized as Canada’s leading intellectual property firm. We are leaders in intellectual property and have been serving clients for over a century. Smart & Biggar operates as part of the IPH Limited group, under its own brand and independent from other IPH member firms.

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Robert Holthus

Smart & Biggar

Law School

Capital University Law School

Year Of Call


Area Of Practice

Intellectual Property