Jack Braithwaite Re-Elect for Bencher
March 10, 2015Jack is seeking your support to be re-elected as a Bencher.
What inspired Jack Braithwaite to run for Bencher?
The experience as Bencher over the last two terms – I have been struck by the passion and dedication of my fellow Benchers to the profession as well as the extent of the work and time that goes into every decision that we are called upon to make – I am inspired by the Society’s knowledge and sensitivity to the issues as a forum to hear the difficulties the profession must address on an every day basis – I am inspired by the Society’s drive to provide access to justice and transparency to its activities. It is in consideration of at least the above that I am inspired to run in the full knowledge that our profession is driven by its components who provide a richness to the profession in its diversity including individually, geographically and/or size of practice. I am inspired to run because I believe I bring each of those factors to the debate in regulating our proud profession.
For details of my thoughts and concerns, please visit: www.jackbraithwaiteforbencher.com
Weaver Simmons LLP
http://www.weaversimmons.com/Weaver Simmons LLP is the largest full-service law firm in Northeastern Ontario. For over eighty years we have proudly served northern interests and have built a solid reputation for integrity in the profession and for quality of service to our clients. We are a law firm in Sudbury, Ontario.
Jack Braithwaite
Weaver Simmons LLP
Law School
University of Alberta
Area Of Practice