
Associate announcement

Lionel Fishman joins Smart & Biggar

October 10, 2012

Smart & Biggar is pleased to announce that Lionel Fishman has joined the firm's Ottawa office as an associate.

Associate announcement

Eve Heafey joins Smart & Biggar

October 10, 2012

Smart & Biggar is pleased to announce that Eve Heafey has joined the firm's Ottawa office as an associate.

Associate announcement

Jackie Allen Joins Osler's Toronto Office

October 9, 2012

Osler is pleased to announce that Jackie Allen has joined the firm as an associate in our Business Law Group.

Associate announcement

Robert Anton Joins Osler's Toronto Office

October 9, 2012

Osler is pleased to announce that Robert Anton has joined the firm as an associate in our Business Law Group.

Associate announcement

Victoria Au Joins Osler's Toronto Office

October 9, 2012

Osler is pleased to announce that Victoria Au has joined the firm as an associate in our Business Law Group.

Associate announcement

Tim Barrett Joins Osler's Toronto Office

October 9, 2012

Osler is pleased to announce that Tim Barrett has joined the firm as an associate in our Tax Group.

Associate announcement

Kevin Chen Joins Osler's Toronto Office

October 9, 2012

Osler is pleased to announce that Kevin Chen has joined the firm as an associate in our Real Estate Group.

Associate announcement

Scott Cooper Joins Osler's Toronto Office

October 9, 2012

Osler is pleased to announce that Scott Cooper has joined the firm as an associate in our Banking & Financial Services Group.

Associate announcement

Sharon Ford Joins Osler's Toronto Office

October 9, 2012

Osler is pleased to announce that Sharon Ford has joined the firm as an associate in our Tax Group.

Associate announcement

Jordan Giurlanda Joins Osler's Toronto Office

October 9, 2012

Osler is pleased to announce that Jordan Giurlanda has joined the firm as an associate in our Competition & Antitrust Group.

Associate announcement

Andrew Jun Joins Osler's Toronto Office

October 9, 2012

Osler is pleased to announce that Andrew Jun has joined the firm as an associate in our Tax Group.

Associate announcement

Aria Kashefi Joins Osler's Toronto Office

October 9, 2012

Osler is pleased to announce that Aria Kashefi has joined the firm as an associate in our Business Law Group.